Baskerville Libri Teche Teche Teche Contatti

Baskerville UNIpress


Giuliana Gemelli (a cura di)
Radici storiche e configurazioni istituzionali

© 2005 - Pag. 290
Euro 18,00 -
ISBN 88 8000 506 5


Giuliana Gemelli,
A master programme as a research framework

I. Comparative aspects in historical perspective: international case studies
Benjamin Scheller,
A brief sketch on some main results of recent research on the history of medieval foundations in Germany

Christopher D. McKenna,
Why every American university has a ‘Dean of students’? The role of management consultants and the Carnegie Foundation in the standardization of American universities

Jon S. Dellandrea,
The transformation of philanthropy in Canada: the public/private partnership. The University of Toronto case study

Joe McKenna,
“He who pays the Piper calls the Tune?”

Matthias Schumann,
Universities as a foundation under public law. The Lower Saxony case

Bruno van Dyk,
The development of a case statement for a university in South Africa: a case study

Joseph Tsonope,
History, function and vision of the University of Botswana Foundation

II. Organizational models and institutional polices: Italian case studies

Giovanni Maria Riccio,
Fondazioni universitarie: cavallo da traino o cavallo di Troia?

Flora Radano,
Potenzialità e prospettive delle fondazioni universitarie

Giuseppe Cappiello,
Fondazione Alma Mater: integrazione tra sistemi

Enrico Bellezza e Francesco Florian,
Fondazioni universitarie e fondazioni di partecipazione: origini, sviluppi ed applicazioni

Alessandro Hinna,
Fondazioni universitarie alla ricerca d’identità: considerazioni di natura economica e gestionale

Marco Demarie,
University foundations between past and future. Historical roots and institutional patterns in the United States and in Europe. Some comments

Pier Luigi Sacco,
University foundations and cultural districts

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